
Thursday 8 November 2012

Post-It notes and other stuff

A couple days ago, we found post-it notes stuck around the school with messages on them like, "smile" or "someone cares." They where posted around the school including bathrooms, change rooms, hallways, classrooms, and on lockers.
I'm pretty sure the notes where just a prank or a one-day joke by a couple of kids, because most kids just laughed or mocked the person who they thought wrote them, or just simple ripped them off and threw them away. Although they were probably not put up for the intent of inspiring someone and instead were probably put up as a joke to mock teachers who give speeches of the same nature, they were pretty inspiring.
I was pretty pissed that I wasn't the one who thought of it and I think i might actually start sticking some up on mirrors in bathrooms and change rooms. Although I'm pretty sure they'll be ripped down, I'll take the chance. One of my life goals is to make a positive impact on someone's life (sounds cheesy, right? Like totally not something your English teacher would say.)
When it comes to laughing at suff, I'm an odd shild. Well, I'm always an odd child, but we don't need to go into that. (: On one hand I'm right there alongside with everyone laughing at the giver of the speech, called them naive for thinking such things. On the other hand, I'm secretly agreeing with the speech, (in this case) and admire the person for having the guts to say those things when they know they'll probably be laughed at beghind their back.
I don't know what's worse: lying about how you feel to fit in, or having to hide how you feel in order to be accepted.

This was an odd post. I went from talking aboit sticky notes and encouraging messages to lying to fit in. Well the TL;DR of this is:
 1. I think it's great to post sticky notes in public places with encouraging messages in hopes of making a positive impact on someone's life, and
2. I think it's terrible how you have to hide and lie about how you feel about certain things in order to be accepted and laughed at.
~acer. (:

Saturday 20 October 2012


Everyone has a story. Some people's may be sad, others' happy, some might be proud of their story, others might not be. Some hide their story, some don't. There are many differnt stories, but everyone has a story.
Keep that in mind. The person that you're calling names at school might also lead a bad life at home. Or the guy you make your punching bag might already be abused enough.
Everyone has a story; You just don't know it.

Amanda Todd

We often hear stories of people being bullied to the point of suicide. Although it's terrible, we never really think much about it. It doesn't really seem real... but it is. Amanda's death was tragic, but it was also a wake-up call for us. Bullying happens and we shouldn't ignore it. Amanda Todd was a 15 year-old with a heart-breaking story. She lined in my hometown and went to one of the nearby schools. Although I didn't know Amanda personally, I have classmates who were friends with her and they're terrible heartbroken.
If you haven't already watched her touching video, I highly suggest you do right now.

So just keep in mind, bulling does happen, it's not something that just happens in stories, and it definitely shouldn't be ignored.
To those of you who are being bullied and/or know someone who is, please stand up for them. Please tell a trusted person and ask for help. Please help them. For the sake of this random person on the interent, please get help. I know that sounds cheesy, and you're like OMG! what does she know? Well, you're right. I don't know your situation, but I know that you  (or your friend) deserve to get help. Make your story known. Speak up.
RIP Amanda Todd <3

Best wishes to all,
Niki <3

Friday 5 October 2012


Well in case if you haven't noticed, I'm a proud Canadian/Iranian. Yeah I'm Canadian and Iranian. Got a problem with that? Well reacently one of my friends online told me how she loved Canadian accents so much (she's American). I was confused becuase aren't canadian accents supposed to be like northern American accents (like washington or New York, not Texas. Wait, do Texesians even have the stereotypical "Western" drawl?)
So after a long time of searching on the Internet, I realized I'm not very Canadian, nor are the majority of the people inhabiting our beautiful country. Turns out, "Canadians" are supposed to speak in Newfoundald-ish accents, guzzle the fake crap they call Maple Syrup, go around wearing toques, and tack an eh? on the end of every sentence.
Well sorry to break it to you, love, but no one, or no one that I've seen anyway, goes around carrying a bottle of Aunt Jemimiah's around with them everywhere they go. Nor do we wear toques (unless if it's winter) and I think I've only heard one Canadian say eh? before and that was a man who used to be a farmer in the `70s. And the accent? Well I guess Newfoundlanders have the Newfoundlanian accent, but that's not all of us.
There are some differnces in speach though, like people from the Praries usually take faster than other, and we say zed not zee, and we apperantly say a few words differently, but all of that's mostly personal preference and also depends on who you hang out with.
For example, if you sepnd a lot of time with your friend who has an English accent and with your other friend who has an Indian accent, then you'll probably end up saying a few words in a slight English accent and other in a slight Indian accent. So there's a lot of accent contamination going on.
Are you Canadian enough?

~ © xXACERXx

Welcome to my Life

I've decided to share me current favourite song with you lovely people. It's Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. Don't listen if it's too "screamo" or "punk" or "depressing" for you. Don't worry, I have rants planned out just for stereotypers like you.

Funny how it pairs up so well with my earlier rant, huh? Yeah, well since we're on the topic of pairing up, check out Kristen Randel's The Only Alien on the Planet. It's a good book, trust me.

Thursday 4 October 2012

The only Alien in the World

For what seems like forever, I've known I'm different. I don't fit in like everyone else seems to. I don't find humiliating others funny. I don't enjoy talking about who went out with who. According to society, I'm an alien.

According to me, I'm just Acer (no, I don't go around calling myself that, if you must know.) Let me give you a sense of how it is. Basically, I wander around through a world who thinks I live in a textbook (I'll go on more about that in a future rant) while everyone seems to have a place in this world. Sure I've got friends- if you could call those fakes who I seem to be stuck with, friends, then yes. I have plenty of friends.

I used to be bothered by this. Now I've accepted it, I'm an alien. The real question is: are aliens allowed to have friends?

Sunday 30 September 2012

I'm back...

I'M BACK!!! Wooh-hoo! Wait, is that even a word? Well, anyhoo, I'm back, in case if you haven't noticed. :p I know I was supposed to post way more, but belive it or not,I have a life other than blogging. Surprising, right? No actually, I don't really. But I've been busy with the new school year, new school year crap, and new school year homework overload combined with lazyness, so that's gotta count for something.
I've been thinking... a lot... and I've thought about just deleting this blog and starting over fresh, but I've decided against it. Instead I've just decide to do two things. 1) to keep the old posts and just carry on with my regular but improved posting and 2) to change the name of this blog. So behold inkstianed! I'm aslo changing the URL to Enjoy. c: