
Saturday, 20 October 2012

Amanda Todd

We often hear stories of people being bullied to the point of suicide. Although it's terrible, we never really think much about it. It doesn't really seem real... but it is. Amanda's death was tragic, but it was also a wake-up call for us. Bullying happens and we shouldn't ignore it. Amanda Todd was a 15 year-old with a heart-breaking story. She lined in my hometown and went to one of the nearby schools. Although I didn't know Amanda personally, I have classmates who were friends with her and they're terrible heartbroken.
If you haven't already watched her touching video, I highly suggest you do right now.

So just keep in mind, bulling does happen, it's not something that just happens in stories, and it definitely shouldn't be ignored.
To those of you who are being bullied and/or know someone who is, please stand up for them. Please tell a trusted person and ask for help. Please help them. For the sake of this random person on the interent, please get help. I know that sounds cheesy, and you're like OMG! what does she know? Well, you're right. I don't know your situation, but I know that you  (or your friend) deserve to get help. Make your story known. Speak up.
RIP Amanda Todd <3

Best wishes to all,
Niki <3

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